It was so wonderful to see all students back in class this week - I missed them over spring break! It is also wonderful to see the sun shining, I believe spring has officially sprung!

We started off this week with a classmate scavenger hunt, finding friends who had done different things over spring break. This was a great way to connect after some time apart.
In math this week, we began a unit on data and graphing. Students practiced sorting concrete objects based on similar traits, turning this data into concrete graphs (graphs made out of physical objects like toys, people, or printed pictures), and describing what they see in the graphs. We explored this by creating a human graph, using objects in our classroom, and pictures of animals. Students are really enjoying this topic so far!

In language arts, we planned and wrote about our spring breaks. It was so fun to see and hear about what everyone got up! As well, I am really seeing an improvement in everyone's writing this term - yay! We also did a spring-themed reading comprehension activity as a class to solidify those important skills!

In science, we began discussing the water cycle. Over the next few weeks, as a class we will be completing an inquiry project about the water cycle. We will be discussing what an inquiry project is and how to complete one, all through the lens of the water cycle and the knowledge Indigenous peoples have of the water cycle. This is setting students up to complete their own inquiry projects in a little while. This week, we began completing a KLEWS chart by filling in the K (what do we already know) and the W (what do we wonder) columns. Each student thought of a wonder and added it to our chart.
We combined art and social-emotional learning this week by creating calmness rocks. We discussed what calmness means to us and the things we do to help us feel calm. Then closed our eyes to imagine a calming image and squeezed our rocks to "Infuse them with kindness" :) Then we painted them so they looked calm. Lastly, students chose a calm-related word to have written on their rocks. Students had the choice of leaving them at school or taking them home. Now students can squeeze their rocks anytime they do not feel calm and the calmness with "infuse" back into their bodies! Feel free to make other rocks at home if you like - think bravery rocks, creativity rocks, happiness rocks, confidence rocks, etc. This was an awesome activity!
A few other things we did this week include reading a few fun books, including one about origami. We were all inspired by book and decided to try some origami ourselves. We made ladybugs! We also got some free time to play and reconnect with our peers after the break. We got to visit Ms. Sahota's K/1 class for centre time, we had P.E. and we had library! We even had a chance to celebrate Norah's birthday with a fun game of Skipbo! It was a pretty actioned packed week!
Enjoy the sunshine!
~ Ms. Laforce