This week marked the start of Lunar New Year and we certainly celebrated it and learned about in class!
This week our morning work was Lunar New Year themed with a word search and a fun addition-based activity that involved Chinese numbers! Students also received red envelopes containing chocolate coins from Ms. Laforce after a discussion about the significance behind handing out red envelopes at Lunar New Year!
In language arts this week, we continued with our writing process by moving onto the revising step. We used the acronym ARMS (add, remove, move, switch) to edit our writing to make our rough drafts even better! We also did our literacy stations as we will each week. Unfortunately, these stations are a busy time so I do not have pictures, but SO much learning happens during this block of time!
In math this week, we had some structured learning around the topic of perimeter as students followed along with individual whiteboards to really solidify this concept. Then, we wrapped up this unit with a quiz. All students did a great job measuring classroom objects and finding the perimeter of shapes.
We focused on some social emotional learning this week by beginning our emotions journals. We talked about the importance of recognizing emotions - our own and those of others. After playing a game of charades to practice identifying emotions, we began creating an “Emotions Journal” This is an activity that we will be working on until spring break. On each page of the journal, it asks students to draw a picture of a time they felt a certain emotion. This week, the emotion was “happy”. The journal will also include write-ups of things that make them feel certain emotions and ways to help them if the emotions are not positive. At the end, we will put all of these pages together into a booklet for them to keep.
We also began our weekly visits to the library for some STEM activities with Mrs. Lewis. Throughout the year, students have been exposed to scenarios in which STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) has played a part. This week, we visited the library for an extra long block to incorporate some STEM opportunities. Students got to build with magnetic tiles and Keva Blocks. Next time, we will try using a circuit board that creates lights and sounds depending on how the students design it. It is great to see them exploring materials, being creative, and working cooperatively!
This week, we also had P.E., where we continued to build on our throwing and catching skills by using wiffle balls and scoops!
We had a fun week and I am looking forward to next week, where we can celebrate Valentine's Day with our Class Friendship Party (see my email for more details)!
Have a great rest of your week everyone,