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Pink Shirt Day!

This "week" at school we celebrated Pink Shirt Day and the importance of being kind to everyone and standing up to bullies! We listened to/watched read-alouds of books about this topic, discussed the history behind Pink Shirt Day, and completed a handful of activities related to this topic. Some very important learning took place!

Students started the day off with an anti-bullying themed word search which many of them chose to complete together at the carpet! After this and our morning meeting where we answered the question of the day: "What is something kind that someone did for you that made you smile?". Then, in math, we did an assessment to show our learning on 2D and 3D shapes! The students did a great job with this activity.

After recess, in language arts, we watched a short video about the history behind Pink Shirt Day and then students completed a pink shirt poster explaining how and why the would end bullying, and what makes them a good friend.

Next, as a class, we read a bullying scenario, discussed the feelings and actions of the characters in the story, and sorted out “good” and “bad” ways to handle the situation. Then we discussed what we could do if we ever saw bullying or were being bullied ourselves. We have put up the "good" and "bad" ways to handle bullying up in the classroom as a reminder.

After lunch, we completed a school-wide "Diversity and Respect Week" activity where students wrote a kind message on a fish, coloured it, and cut it out. These fish will all be a part of a lager fish collage showing that we are a school of allies at Simonds/U-Connect! See the picture below for an idea of what the school is creating! This was a great learning opportunity to discuss what it means to be an ally!

Students also had the opportunity to share their global impacts projects with the class! I was so impressed with all the hard work put into these projects! I could really tell that students understood this important concept!

Finally, we finished off our day with a visit to the library! Overall, our short week was still full of meaningful learning!

~ Ms. Laforce

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