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Week 2!

This week was full of so much important learning and fun activities! On Monday, we began our day as we always will: with a soft start to get students warmed up for the day, followed by our morning meeting to check in with each other and our emotions. Next we started our math assessment. The students were working so hard and I was super impressed!

After recess, we read a book about kindness and making friends. Next, we started planning our stories for our first writing assessment. We chose between the topics of "If I could be invisible for a day..." and "If I could be Ms. Laforce for a day..." - there were so many awesome ideas! Next, we began our first lesson around National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. We read "The Orange Shirt Story", discussed things that make school a happy place for us, and compared this to the feelings of unhappiness experienced by students attending residential schools.

After lunch, we had our first lesson on health, where we discovered our heart rates and what happens in our bodies when we exercise. Finally, we finished our day with a visit to the library. The kids loved picking out books to take home!

Tuesday was full of learning! After our soft start and morning meeting, we discussed goal setting and set a goal as a class for the day: "Do at least one kind thing to someone in our class or in another class". At the end of the day we checked in and we all achieved our goal - yay! This was an eventful morning as we also had a fire drill!

After recess, we continued our work on our math assessment. Then, we had the pleasure of having Mr. Malo, the vice principal, come into our classroom to read us another book on residential schools. This was a great book and approached the topic of residential schools in an age-appropriate, gentle way. Mr. Malo and the students had an incredible conversation about residential schools following the book and he told me he was so impressed by this class! He said they had insightful comments and questions and that he could tell it is a very bright bunch :)

After lunch, we had art! We made some Indigenous inspired art as another way to acknowledge National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Many Indigenous artists are known for intricate dot work, so we used this inspiration on our orange-themed art! I was so impressed by all the beautiful art the class created!

Finally we finished our day off with some fun P.E. outside to get some fresh air! Overall, I think this was a great week. It was full of meaningful learning, but also plenty of fun activities!

~ Ms. Laforce

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