Social Studies Resources
PowWow Dances
We learned from a local Indigenous Elder this week and she shared some videos of traditional Indigenous dances that happen at PowWows in British Columbia! Click here to see a playlist of a few dances!
Hannukah Fun!
We learned about Hanukkah in class as we continue to explore other cultures around the world. We made a Hanukkah-inspired menorah craft - click here to find some other Hanukkah crafts to do at home! Another fun way to consider Hanukkah and celebrate this holiday's colours is by making a fun Hanukkah slime! Click here for instructions! Finally, if you want to know more about Hanukkah in general, click here!
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
Click here for a list of ways to respectfully observe this important day, as well as age-appropriate books and videos to share with your children.
Terry Fox - learn more!
Click here to check out a virtual Terry Fox-inspired classroom - complete with activities, books, and videos!
Local Indigenous Communities
We learned about local Indigenous communities in class. We explore a great website to learn about their land and their language. Click here to learn more about this community! NOTE: please stay away from the artifacts/tools section of the website as this will be explored in class at a later date!
What does it mean to be global?
Click here to watch a read aloud of a book we used to discuss the idea of being global.
Terry Fox - Colouring
Here are some colouring sheets to continue to spark the discussion around Terry Fox.