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A quiet week in the classroom...

This week certainly felt like a quiet one! We were missing a few kind faces in our classroom this week and look forward to when we can all be back together again! This week did involve lots of learning, however! In language arts, we began learning about the reading strategy of interring. We did this by playing a fun game where students had to ask yes or no questions and use the answers and clues to infer what mystery item I had in a bag. Soon, we will transfer this skill to reading! In language arts we also implemented our new literacy stations. Students practiced rotating through guided reading with me, listening to reading with the EPIC! Books app in the cozy corner, writing activities where they created and then wrote sentences with magnetic word tiles, and word work activities using their spelling packets and Words Their Way sight words. I am looking forward to having these stations be a part of our daily schedule!

In math, we continued our learning on measurement by applying it to perimeter. We reviewed different units of measure and then learned about how to calculate perimeter. In pairs, students practiced measuring different classroom objects with rulers. The following day, we used colour links to measure classroom objects. This was a fun and hands-on way to practice finding perimeter!

In social studies, we learned more about how human actions can have global impacts. We read a book about recycling and discussed what our world might look like if no one recycled. We also looked at photos of smog in Korea before and after the initial COVID lockdown and talked about how humans' actions can clearly affect their environment based on these pictures. Finally, we watched a video about a small town in Japan that has implemented a complete zero waste program. We discussed how this town is making a positive impact on the environment.

In art, we learned about the upcoming Lunar New Year! We watched a video to learn about the history and legend behind Lunar New Year, learned about the Chinese zodiac calendar and discussed that it is the year of the tiger. Then, we began a tiger-themed craft to hang in our classroom as decorations.

We also had a lesson on social emotional learning where we discussed kindness and friendship. We talked about the importance of kindness and being friendly to everyone in our class. We read a book on kindness, and then we participated in a kindness activity: I wrote each student's name on a sticky note, the students came up and chose one, and wrote something kind to that classmate. Then we shared our sticky notes with the class and discussed how we felt now that we had done this activity. This was really great and the students requested we do it each Monday :)

A few other things we got to do this week include a Lunar New Year colouring sheet for morning warm up, time in the library to pick books, read, and work on a puzzle, and a bit of free time to connect with our classmates.

All in all, we had a quiet yet meaningful week in class together!

~ Ms. Laforce

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